Genres and Discourses in News Media: compare and contrast the use of interdiscursivity and intertextuality in the front-page coverage of five different newspapers of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre.


Genres and Discourses in News Media: compare and contrast the use of interdiscursivity and/or intertextuality in the front-page coverage of five different newspapers of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre (these are contained in the folder marked ‘9/11’ on Blackboard). What features do they borrow from other discourses or genres, how are they manipulated and what might be the intended effect on the reader?

It must also include analyses of some actual examples from the “borrowed” discourse types to back up your argument. What do these strategies tell us about the readership of the papers?

You should focus on interdiscursivity and intertextuality but you may also consider other semiotic and lexical features that help construct this piece of communication (for example metaphor, lexical choice, presupposition). For context, you are advised to read up on the background to these events.

(NB: for visual communication you may find it useful to consult the following texts:

Van Leeuwen, T (2008) Discourse and Practice: New Tools for CDA Oxford: OUP (chapter 8 on visual representation)

Machin, D and Meyer, A (2013) Personalising crime and crime-fighting in factual television: an analysis of social actors and transitivity in language and images, in Critical Discourse Studies 10 (4) 356-372

You should take special care to follow the School’s guidelines on standards of presentation, referencing

and bibliographies. For referencing and bibliographies, you should follow the appropriate library

tutorials for MHRA Referencing for your programme. These can be found at:

Essays must be word-processed and double-spaced, with the word count stated clearly and correctly.

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