Models of gender differences in language often argue that the differences between men and womenarise due to gendered child rearing and gendered language socialisation. Discuss evidence from a range of studies of child and parent speech patterns to examine this claim.


In this assignment you are required to survey and critically analyse the data/findings from a range of different studies in order to answer one of the following questions.

Choose ONE question from the two options below:

1.Models of gender differences in language (difference, dominance etc.) often argue that the differences between men and womenarise due to gendered child rearing and gendered language socialisation. Discuss evidence from a range of studies of child and parent speech patterns to examine this claim.

2.There is a popular notion that a gay speech style or ‘gay voice’exists. Consult a range of studies to examine the empirical evidence for this claim.

What do these studies reveal about the relationship between language, sexuality and gender?

Material Choose thre eprimary studies to focus on and read the original work (journal article/book –as opposed totext book summary)-

You are required to make reference tospecific, empirical and often quantitative evidence from the studies.

-You are encouraged to support your answer withFigures and Tables from the studies you have selected.

-While the majority of your focus will be on the three studies you select, you are encouraged to make reference to other research and work beyond these.

Theory Use the evidence in the studies to link to broader theoretical constructs, these might include (but are not limited to):-

Models of language and gender and feminist approaches to



oDominanceoDifference -Queer theory

oCompulsory heterosexuality

oThe gender binary

oGender performativity-Intersectionality

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