Define racial science, and discuss how social bias was supported by scientific research.

Read: Allan M.Brandt, “Racism and Research: The Case of the Tuskeegee Syphilis Study” and; Charlotte Paul and Barbara Brookes, “The rationalization of unethical research: revisionist accounts of the Tuskeegee syphilis study and the New Zealand “Unfortunate Experiment”, Journal of Public Health (2015), 105:e12-219


It seems impossible to justify the continuation of the Tuskeegee study after the discovery of penicillin, but it also seems a heavy lift to justify it in the first place.

Define racial science, and discuss how social bias was supported by scientific research. Scientific racism formed the intellectual basis for much of eugenics and supported centuries of racist assumptions and experiments. Provide and discuss at least three elements of scientific racism that you have observed in our study of eugenics to this point.

Then, use the theory of racial science to explain why this study and the one in New Zealand took place at all and was continued without question by the USPHS for so many decades. Using both articles and the website about the experiments, provide a clear argument for how these studies came into being and whether or not any findings they provided should be considered valuable.

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