Critically analyse the internal resources and capabilities that give the organisation a competitive advantage.

The word limit for this assignment is 2,000 words.

This item of assessment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your ability to undertake a detailed analysis of a firm’s strategic capabilities and external environment. Your evaluation of the firm’s internal and external environment should demonstrate understanding of the nature of entrepreneurial recognition, including the need for innovation and creativity that helps the organisation to exploit market opportunities.

Select an organisation from any industry or sector, and write a report in response to the following tasks:

a)  Provide a brief introduction for your report. (200 words)

b)  Critically analyse the internal resources and capabilities that give the organisation a competitive advantage. (600 words)

c)  Identify the key drivers of change in the external environment and evaluate their impact on the entrepreneurial activities of the organisation. In your response, use an appropriate framework to analyse the external environment. (400 words)

d)  Using Porter’s Five Forces framework and/or any other relevant tools, evaluate the impact of the main competitive forces that are influencing entrepreneurial activities and profitability within the industry. (600 words)

e)  Write a clear conclusion that succinctly highlights the key aspects covered in your report in answers to the tasks above. (200 words)

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