Describe the design of the supply networks and supply chain facilities.

Topic 1:
Warehousing in its many guises appears at different points across supply chain networks. Intermodal choice is also important for the overall performance of the supply chain.

Select one of the following scenarios (one company) and give your answers:

Select ONE of these companies: Unilever, Inditex, H&M, Intel, Nestle, Nike, Starbucks, Amazon, Nissan, BMW, Tesco, Ikea, McDonald’s and KFC

a. Describe the design of the supply networks and supply chain facilities.

b. Identify and explain the movement of goods (including forward and reverse logistics) and warehousing functions.

c. Critically evaluate the intermodal/multimodal choice and transport strategy for the delivery of goods at the different points of the supply networks.

Topic 2:
For the case company you selected in Topic 1 answer the following questions:

a. How important is facility location to the case company’s success? Explain the factors the company may have taken into consideration when selecting the specific location facility.
b. Examine how this location can support the company’s future expansion and sustainability. Include the role of technology in your analysis.

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