Discuss the The Impact of CGI on realism, viewership appreciation, and purity of Animation.

The Impact of CGI on realism, viewership appreciation, and purity of film.


Literature review & Discussion

(1). review existing literatures;

(2) addressing gaps in the existing literatures;

(3) methodology;

4). apply new data (reviews, fans, or professionals) .

Apply FOUR case studies worldwide –

1. The Lion King 3D (Disney, 2019);

2. Ne Zha (2019, China);

3. Doraemon Stand By Me 1 & 2 (Japan);

4. Studio ghibli ( a conter-exmple as they are famous worldwide, but they refuse to use 3D);

Include the following elements:

0. start with context of anime industry, how it grew fandom and become a famous genre in film industry (briefly)

0_1. (four case studies) Compare and contrast reviews, receptions, and other data between 2D animations & their 3D remakes

1. The Impact of CGI on realism, viewership appreciation, and purity of Animation

1_1. Digital theory and digital realism & narrative identities, how it changed with the evolution of technologies.

2. How CGI Changed Reality and sense of realism in animations – reception (anime fans) & professionals how they think about the rising popularity of using CGI to make/remake anime

3. Remaking & nostalgia of the fans, how the production companies play with it, and how CGI helps with it? Or not helpful at all (some of the films received negative feedbacks)

4. Compare and contrast the FOUR case studies (use theories of realism, narrative identity and imaginary identity to evaluate) –

(1) established production companies (Disney & the lion king) why Disney starts to have it’s re-made in 3D version, What do Disney thinks about it (interviews and etc.) and what are the positive and negative facts (reception (from a global perspective), distribution, critics);

(2) Japan’s Doraemon (one of the famous Japanese franchies) is also reproduced in 3D, and the second movie just come out (they seem to have received a lot of positive feedbacks, what are the things have have done well? and what to improve?)

(3). Ne Zha(2019) – it’s a famous Chinese fairy tale, which had a lot of 2D animations made in the past, now the company that has made this film is a new studio, so I would like to use this case study to evaluate the trend where new companies and China try to follow, and it’s very interesting that they made a lot of changes on the original character (actually it’s not so nostalgia for old fans, although there might be some censorship issues why they have altered the original story) whilst they are a small start-up studio, but spent a lot of money on CGI, and the feedback is high (a lot of positive feedback) in China, they managed to attract a lot of new fans.

(4). Ghibli is a counter-example, refusing to apply CGI, I would also want to detailedly testify why it’s, and especially what the animators and decision makers think?

5. Use the case studies to judge which one is more attractive to the fans (old & new) the use of GCI (amazing technologies) or old IP or the fandom ships (e.g. BL ships in Ne Zha – the couple is Ne Zha & Ao Bing they seem to attract a lot of new fans, despite the fact that the story is nothing alike the original, whilst Ne Zha is an old established IP in China) & ship of Doraemon and Nobito & etc..

6.  Research and evaluate the use of CGI in animation industry in relation to realism – why it happened? what are the advantages and disadvantages (on the basis of feedbacks)? how CGI altered realism? did it enhance reality or not, why? When come and watch the animations, what are the fans liking about it the most (nostalgia? IP?or the “ships”? )? How CGI is viewed, judged, complemented, and criticized within anime fans and among professionals (differences & similarities)?

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