Prepare an annotated power point presentation in 8-10 slides maximum for Astra Plc which outlines the project proposal and rationale of the new health and fitness app.

Assignment Task

This assignment involves preparation of a presentation (which outlines the project proposal and rationale) followed by a Client Report which outlines the project plan, project scope and risk and evaluating project success.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Present and agree a project proposal with client;

LO 2 Use appropriate tools to collect, select and use information from a range of sources

LO 3 Evaluate the data relevant to the proposal;

LO4 Communicate the outcomes and recommendations.

Task Requirements


Astra Plc is a small sized company specializing in vitamin and mineral based food supplements. The company is looking to diversify its portfolio by launching a new health and fitness app in the next three months. You have been hired by Astra Plc to assess the suitability of the new app.


1. Prepare an annotated power point presentation in 8-10 slides maximum for Astra Plc which outlines the project proposal and rationale of the new health and fitness app (carry out relevant research e.g. background information, what does the app do, why should it be built, potential customers, likelihood of success) (L01) [500 words]

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