Discuss the organization for which you are developing the management and leadership development program.Provide an overview of the current management and leadership development program at the organization.

A. Discuss the organization for which you are developing the management and leadership development program, including the following:

• size

• number of employees

• type of business (including services or products)

• years in business

• form of business ownership (e.g., sole proprietor, LLC, corporation)

• current locations

B. Provide an overview of the current management and leadership development program at the organization identified in part A by doing the following:

1. Explain the business need for a management and leadership development program.

2. Describe how the current development process prepares current and future managers and leaders, including the following components:

• the training process

• leadership development techniques, including curriculum, materials, or resources

• two efficiencies in the program

• two inefficiencies in the program

C. Create a new management and leadership development program by doing the following:

1. Discuss your proposed program, including how the program prepares current and future managers and leaders.

a. Explain how your development program meets the organization’s business need identified in part B1.

2. Select one of the following target audiences and explain how your program meets the needs of this audience:

• new and aspiring leaders within the organization

• current leaders seeking to further their leadership knowledge within their current roles

• experienced leaders seeking promotion to senior leadership roles

a. Discuss three areas of management and leadership that are important to develop within the audience selected in part C2. Support your discussion with one unique scholarly (Kolzow, D. R. (2014).

Leading from within: building organizational leadership capacity.

Iedconline.org https://www.iedconline.org/clientuploads/Downloads/edrp/Leading_from_Within.pdf)

Note: These might include emotional intelligence, human resource management, change management, strategic management, or any other areas of leadership and management learned over the course of your program.

Note: A scholarly source is written by an expert for an audience of other experts, researchers, or students. Additionally, you may cite other reputable editor-reviewed articles and books. A reputable source is defined as an article from a respected industry publication, government organization, educational institution, or industry leader. These can be found in the WGU Library or within the course.

3. Describe the training process for your program.

4. Describe the leadership development techniques, including curriculum, materials, or resources.

5. Explain how your program capitalizes upon the efficiencies and overcomes the inefficiencies identified in part B2.

6. Describe the incentives provided to individuals for participation in your program.

7. Describe the timeline for completion of your program, including milestones.

8. Describe how participants will demonstrate their knowledge from your program.

9. Describe three quantitative metrics that will be used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of your management and leadership development program and the expected effect on the organization.

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