You have been commissioned by the magazine “Special events”, for their upcoming special edition themed ‘Corporate Events Insights’.Write a feature article on “Current Issues in Corporate Events”.


Assessment Instructions


You have been commissioned by the magazine “Special events”, for their upcoming special edition themed ‘Corporate Events Insights’. They have asked you to write a feature article on “Current Issues in Corporate Events”. The magazine readership is primarily comprised of event and corporate meetings professionals, as well as a wider hospitality sector audience.

Your article should explore ONE current issue currently being experienced by the corporate event sector. It should highlight the scope of the international corporate events industry in terms of scale and size, product offerings and innovation in design. It should analyse how these factors satisfy the varied requirements of the business traveller. Your article should draw upon appropriate theory, terminology and examples selected from event practices at an international level.

The article should be a maximum of 1500 words. It should contain visual materials, which may include supporting pictures or graphics (appropriately referenced). The magazine is printed on A4-sized paper so the layout of your article should conform to that size.

In order to complete the assessment, you will need to consider:

– The size and scope of the international corporate events industry as well as the business travel sector within it

– How the industry is currently providing for business travellers, supported by actual examples of innovative best practice.

– How the market is likely to change, and how the sector should best respond to make the most of these changes.

– Identify any examples of best practice.

Your audience is an informed, professional one therefore, you are expected to deal with complex issues and explain these in a simple, straightforward way. Your writing must be authoritative and informative.

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