In a 2-3 page double-spaced document, analyze the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.

Writing Assignment  Ch. 26 – HIST 1302

LO:Identify the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.



In a 2-3 page double-spaced document, analyze the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues.

2. Readings for this paper:

Read Chapter 26, with special attention to President Nixon Complete pp. 1015-1022; Seagull pp. 1031-1038; read Documents 1 and 3 and look closely at Document 2.

3. You do not need to worry about using footnotes or other citations.

Just reference in the body of your paper where the information comes from [e.g., according to Hamilton’s “Report on Manufacturers” . . . .].

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