Describe some of the dangerous side effects of Birth Control.

Describe some of the dangerous side effects of Birth Control.


These are the things the paper should do to be most successful:

Students must have a topic for this paper that meets the standards of debatable, plausible, and consequential. something that is really being discussed by educated adults in today’s society.

Students will be encouraged to seek assertions which are narrow and original about their topic, not simply repeat cliché or overused arguments within their paper. Students should assert what they believe, not simply repeat what others believe.

Students will be strongly encouraged to use the thesis formula discussed in class for this paper. The formula must use a clear assertive verb (Should, Must, or Ought, or the negative) as the main verb of the claim, and must include both a controversy and supporting reasons. The formula is “Although X, Topic should be Y because A, B, and C (or a subset of those letters).

Students must clearly show Toulmin argument strategies in their writing, including the claim, evidence, a clearly stated warrant connecting the evidence to the claim, and an initial attempt at counter argument refutation.

Students will incorporate at least five outside sources into their paper as support, .

Students should use sources to support their assertions clearly, and should not repeat or regurgitate arguments from sources who are taking the same position as they are. Remember, any quote or source information is there to support your point, and should not be used solely to fill space or meet a requirement. Students may use some of the same sources from the Research Summary, but should also use sources that are more specific to their own argument and logic.

Students should aim for an original synthesis of sources

Quoted material is not to exceed 25 % of the paper length approximately. A correctly formatted, MLA style paper can fit 23-24 lines per full page length. This means not more than six lines of text should be directly quoted on each page. Although this is not a set in stone rule, the purpose is to require students to make their own arguments and be critical about what information they use as support.

Students will write a formal argument. This means that students are not allowed to use personal pronouns or personal evidence in this paper. Pronouns to exclude are “I, me, we, us, one as a pronoun, you, your, and let’s (contraction for let us).” This also means that personal examples from the writer’s life or experiences should be excluded from the paper. This requirement forces students to move from feelings and personal experience as support to statements with backing and evidence in their argument, which appear much more objective and unbiased.

The paper must be a minimum of FOUR full pages. Be sure that you are meeting minimum length to avoid any penalties.

The paper must use standard MLA formatting for setting up a paper. This includes having:

Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Double-spacing the paper lines.

One inch margins

Appropriate Heading and Header information

An original title centered over the body paragraphs.

First line indention of paragraphs

0pt spacing between paragraphs (even spacing throughout)

No extra spaces between heading, title, pages, and paragraphs.

The paper must attempt to cite all sources used in an MLA style Works Cited page. This is more than just a URL, as we have learned, and it must be attempted here for success. The paper will also attempt in-text citations.

The paper must be submitted on-time. Be sure that you are meeting the deadline for submission to avoid penalties.

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