What type of orders will the court consider if you issue proceedings and how do they compare with each other? How likely is it that Amy will be removed from her parents and placed in foster care?Discuss

Child Law coursework instruction and questions.


Assessment Child Law – Coursework Assessment


This assignment must be completed individually.

• You must use the Oscola referencing system.
• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used.
Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words.
When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work.
• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
• You must number all pages.



Amy is a seven-month-old baby girl. She is not independently mobile. She was presented to hospital yesterday with a broken leg. When Amy is given an x-ray it reveals a number of healing fractures to the ribs. Amy’s parents, Hannah and Darren have no explanation for the injuries. They are not married and Hannah is 5 month’s pregnant. Amy’s grandmother, Helen has offered to have Amy stay with her once she is fit for discharge from hospital because she is worried that social services will try and remove Amy from the family. Helen works as a teacher of children with special needs. She lives in a two bedroom flat with no pets. She is currently furloughed due to the pandemic. Hannah, Darren and Helen were not known to social care in any way prior to Amy being admitted to hospital. You are approached by Jayllin a social worker for some advice. Because of her worries, she wants to apply for a public law order for both Amy and the unborn child and she would like to place Amy in foster care upon her discharge from the hospital and the unborn in foster care at birth.

Advise Jayllin

1. Does the case meet the threshold for public law orders in relation to Amy and the unborn?
30 marks

2. What type of orders will the court consider if you issue proceedings and how do they compare with each other? How likely is it that Amy will be removed from her parents and placed in foster care?
30 marks

Part 2

It is 4 months later and Amy is placed with Helen under an Interim Care Order. Amy is due to receive her MMR immunisation Hannah and Helen do not agree with vaccination, but Darren wants Amy to receive this. Hannah has had her baby Erica. Erica is living with her parents in Helen’s home. No orders have been made by the court. Hannah and Darren are planning on getting married next year.
3. Who holds parental responsibility for Amy and Erica?
25 marks

4. Can the local authority vaccinate Amy without Hannah and Helen’s consent
15 marks

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