Provide a background to your chosen organisation and identify & describe a marketing communication campaign that will be the focus of your report.

Digital and Social Media Marketing MK190


On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:

LO1 – Evaluate the changing digital landscape and its impact upon marketing, brands and consumers
LO2 – Understand the impact of digital technologies and propose the new development of digitally based product and service enhancements
LO3 – Evaluate the effectiveness of a range of digital and social media marketing channels
LO4 – Identify the challenges and critical success factors involved in designing and implementing digital and social media marketing campaigns
LO5 – Research, plan and outline an effective digital and social media marketing campaign.

Scenario: The Digital Marketing Environment

The digital marketing environment can be described as both complex and dynamic. The rate of change brought on by advancements in technology, such as the internet, machine learning, artificial intelligence and connectivity, has been phenomenal.
As modern marketers, one of the key challenges faced is that of monitoring and responding to these environmental changes.

In your role as a Marketing Executive for an organisation of your choice, you have been tasked with investigating some of the key changes in both the macro and micro environments facilitated by the development of digital technology.

Individual Formative Assessment (Total 4 pages)

Provide a background to your chosen organisation and identify & describe a marketing communication campaign that will be the focus of your report. This is not marked but will form the basis for your individual assignment. It is a key piece of information and done well can support the application required in

ORGANISATION SUMMARY GUIDELINES (Suggested page allocation 1 A4)
The following headings must be included:
Organisation name

Type of organisation, for example, profit or not-for-profit, local, national, global, and type of legal entity
Size of organisation in terms of turnover and/or number of employees
Range of products and services provided
Customer base, for example, B2B/B2C
Main competitors
Other information relevant to the assignment may be included, within the maximum page count, to assist the tutor in understanding the organisation.
Campaign Description (Suggested page allocation 3 Pages A4)
Screen grab and images are encouraged to illustrate your research. Other information relevant to the assignment may be included, within the maximum page count 3 pages, to assist the tutor in understanding the campaign.
Who is the campaign targeting?
Can you identify the objective of the campaign?
What is the message of the campaign?
What is the call to action?
How many channels are they using?

Individual Summative Assignment 100%

For the organisation of your choice, you have been asked by your manager to contribute to the organisation’s digital communication plan to support an increase in online customer acquisition. It is recommended the organisation discussed is the one from the Formative Assessment Organisational Summary.

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen organisation’s current digital campaign, with a focus on acquisition.
Recommend TWO digital campaign objectives to support an increase in acquisition for the chosen organisation.
Recommend a justified digital communication plan to deliver on the TWO proposed objectives from Task 2 within the context of your chosen organisation.
Determine the key metrics and methods that will be employed in order to effectively monitor and control the digital communication plan recommended in Task 3.
Max word count is 3000

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