How do citizens formulate their orientations toward public policies and political issues? Do people respond to political issues on the basis of self-interest, group identification, socioeconomic status, or what? What is the ‘quality’ of these attitudes?Explain


Below are three (3) questions about concepts/themes learned in the course. Question 1 is worth 50% of the overall exam grade. Question 2 and 3 are each worth 25% of the overall exam grade. Draw upon your notes, lectures, and course readings. No outside sources. Using outside sources will result in an “F” for the final exam grade.

Question 1) This semester we have discussed the public opinion of the American public in detail. In this essay, address the following question. This is a multi-part question, therefore, be sure to address all parts.

This answer MUST be 8 pages or less. If you opt to write more than 8 pages for this question, I will stop reading at the end of page 8 and grade it accordingly. Page limit does not count work cited page.


How do citizens formulate their orientations toward public policies and political issues? Do people respond to political issues on the basis of self-interest, group identification, socioeconomic status, or what? What is the ‘quality’ of these attitudes?

Question 2) Below are results from a poll. Assume you work for the Knight Foundation (who did the poll). Write a short summary of the poll and its results. Your write up will be given to media outlets to disseminate. In your write up, be sure to include the following: title for write up, question the poll addresses, results of the poll, why the results are useful and why they will benefit policy makers/public policy.

This answer MUST be less than 2 pages.

Q: Do you think each of the following rights is very secure, secure, threatened or very threatened in the country today?Question 3) Below are questions from a poll on COVID-19 vaccines. Read over the questions. Then answer parts A and B of this question.

If you were to administer this poll, describe the ideal sample population.

If you were to administer this poll, describe the ideal way to administer it.

Unfortunately, the staffer who wrote these questions did not do a very decent job. In fact, they all have errors to some degree.

Should concerned schools mandate COVID-19 vaccines on their campuses?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current COVID-19 policies and the regulation of COVID-19 vaccines?

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