Identify a conflict that exists in your organizations or an organization with which you are familiar.What are the root causes of the conflict?Explain


Identify a conflict that exists in your organizations or an organization with which you are familiar. Address the following in your analysis:

a. What are the root causes of the conflict?

b. What are the symptoms of the conflict?

c. What, if anything, has been done to resolve the conflict?

d. What would happen if nothing was done to resolve the conflict?

Analyze the conflict and address the following in your analysis:

a. Develop a strategy to resolve the conflict. Identify and explain specific steps you would take and timeframe for accomplishment of the steps.

b. What needs to happen for your resolution to succeed?

c. How will you measure results?

d. What adjustments will you make if your solution is not working?

Your analysis paper must be at least 7 pages in length (not counting the title page, executive summary or references pages). You are required to use at least 3-5 authoritative sources. APA format must be used for citations & references.

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