Reflect back on the semester and all that you have learned. What was the one topic you enjoyed learning the most? What was the most surprising thing that you learned?Discuss

Directions: For this assignment, you will need to read the political debate discussion questions below and answer them based on what you have learned in the week’s materials.

Remember that answers should be 4-5 sentences in length and follow the posting guidelines and debate rules. After reading your classmates’ answers, respond to at least TWO in writing. The answers and the responses must be completed on separate days.

All students must use proper citations in these assignments. That includes content used from the Governing Texas textbook. If you did not already know it, then you need to cite the source.

Discussion Topic: Reflect back on the semester and all that you have learned. What was the one topic you enjoyed learning the most? What was the most surprising thing that you learned? And finally, if you could make one change to the Texas government what would it be? Thank you for your work this semester in these debates. No responses are needed this week.

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