Carry out a scientific experiment, investigating human visual and auditory reaction times.Submit a ‘2000’ word scientific report which will demonstrate your understanding of the structure and function of the nervous and muscular systems.

Assignment Description:

This Assignment addresses Learning Outcome 2:

Understand the structure and function of the muscles and

3: Understand the structure and function of the nervous system.

You will carry out a scientific experiment, investigating human visual and auditory reaction times. You will be required to submit a ‘2000’ word scientific report which will demonstrate your understanding of the structure and function of the nervous and muscular systems.

Your practical report should include the following sections:

Introduction –

This should provide a description of the gross structure of the nervous system (AC 3.1).

Aims & Hypothesis –

A brief statement indicating the aims and hypothesis of the investigation.
Methods – a brief description of the method employed in the investigation (you can refer to the used method sheet here and add the method sheet as an appendix).

Results –

Presentation of the results from the investigation together with a brief description of the observed trends.

Discussion –

Here you should analyse and interpret the reaction times observed. You should include a discussion explaining what is happening in the body specifically explaining the nervous ‘pathway’ from stimulus (e.g. sound) to the effector (e.g. muscle) for both the eye and ear. In order to meet all assessment criteria your discussion must include:

A brief outline of how the eye and ear stimulate their respective receptors.

An explanation of how impulses are transmitted along the length of an axon (AC 3.2)

An explanation of how an impulse is transmitted across a synapse (AC 3.3).

A description of the structure and action of voluntary muscle (AC 2.1) including an explanation of the sliding filament hypothesis (AC 2.2).
Conclusion – this should link directly to your hypothesis.

References –

You must cite your sources of information within your report and reference fully at the end of your report using the APA System.

It is recommended that you use a variety of resources that can be found in the LRC or on VLE, that may help you achieve all the brief criteria.

References must be cited within your work and a full reference list must be provided at the end of your work, using the APA referencing style (guidance in LRC).

Your work should be submitted electronically via turn-it-in first then up-loaded to student dashboard.


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