If we were to transition to driverless vehicles, How should the transition take place? Should all roads be declared driverless after a specific date or just the highways first?Explain

Automation on the Road

This week’s chapter discusses the idea that improving business process is essential for organization success. A process may be improved through automation, there are many ways that automating activities will affect public safety. Driverless cars, drones, pilotless airliners, automated police surveillance, to name a few.

Autonomous cars and Autonomous trucks are not surprising anymore and they will be a norm sooner or later. Paradigm is shifting so rapidly. Currently, not every company is converting like BMW due to high upfront costs.However, it is an international phenomenon occurring competitively and it has been proven to be extremely cost-efficient.

The video below was published on October 15, 2020 and it explains some of the advances made for driverless cars:

In your opinion:

List one advantage and one disadvantage of driverless vehicles.

If we were to transition to driverless vehicles, How should the transition take place? Should all roads be declared driverless after a specific date or just the highways first?

When do you expect to fly in an airlines without pilots on board? Specify a year. Assume each airline will have pilots flying the airplanes remotely supported by on-board automation

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