Produce a literature review containing critical evaluation of current and potential applications within the field of biotechnology.Evaluate ethical issues which arise from the biotechnological applications, as well as impact on society.

Component B1:
Literature review: This assessment requires you to produce a literature review containing critical evaluation of current and potential applications within the field of biotechnology. You are also required to evaluate ethical issues which arise from the biotechnological applications, as well as impact on society.

Word count:
Word count is 1,500 (+ 10 %).

A maximum tolerance of 10% above and below the word count is allowed.  Once the upper limit of the word count has been reached, no further work will be taken into account when awarding marks.  Work falling below the required word count risks being self-penalising as it is unlikely that students will cover sufficient material to meet the intended learning outcomes.  The word count includes everything in the main body of the text including; headings/titles, tables, citations, quotations, in text references, lists.

Appendices, foot notes, and the referencing list / bibliography are not included in the word count. Note, appendices should be kept to a minimum and should only be used to support the academic arguments in the main text, and therefore will not contribute towards the awarded marks.  Students must clearly indicate the precise word count on the title page of each assignment.

Learning Outcomes:
LO5: Evaluate current and potential applications of biotechnology, the ethical issues raised and the impact of biotechnology on human society (B1)

LO6: Use appropriate information technology resources and sources of information to seek, retrieve and interpret subject specific material alongside the acquisition of other key generic graduate skills, such as academic writing, interpreting information, evaluating research data and critical thinking (B1)

Allocation of marks:
Evaluation of current and potential applications of biotechnology (LO5) (30%)

Evaluation of ethical issues and impact of biotechnology on human society
(LO5) (30 %)

Use appropriate information technology resources and sources of
information to seek, retrieve and interpret subject specific material
alongside the acquisition of other key generic graduate skills, such as
academic writing, interpreting information, evaluating research data
and critical thinking (LO6) (30 %)

Structure, presentation, academic writing style and referencing skills (10 %)

Reading list
You are not required to provide academic references to support your work during a written exam.
For this assignment you are required to follow the UWE Harvard referencing style (see programme/module handbook for more details). Information and downloadable handouts about referencing at University Centre Weston and UWE are available on the Moodle VLE HE LibraryPlus pages at:

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