Put yourself into the position of a nursing specialist working with your chosen POI in a leadership position such as supervisor, preceptor, or director.Develop a presentation used for orientation purposes for new registered nurses working in your healthcare system with your chosen POI.

Healthcare Informatics and Emerging Technology

For this assessment, you are to put yourself into the position of a nursing specialist working with your chosen POI in a leadership position such as supervisor, preceptor, or director. You are asked to develop a presentation used for orientation purposes for new registered nurses working in your healthcare system with your chosen POI. This presentation should be specific to the role of healthcare informatics and emerging technology in relationship to your POI. The assessment submission will be in the form of a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation with accompanying speaker’s notes.

Successful completion of the assessment will include the following:

• Introduction to the Presentation: 1 slide
• Learning Outcomes (list at least three): 1 slide
• Brief Overview of the History of Health Informatics in U.S. Healthcare System: 2 slides
• Review of Laws, Policies, and Regulations of Health Informatics (Discuss at least three of the following: 21st Century Cures Act, Health Information

Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act [HITECH Act], Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act [FDASIA], Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA], and the Affordable Care Act [ACA]): 3 slides

• Current Emerging Technology in Healthcare: Definition and Relationship to your POI (i.e.,: telehealth, telemedicine, electronic health records [EHRs]): 2 slides
• Innovative Ideas (2–3 slides): Creation of an application — propose a new application (“app”) that could be used with your POI. Start by looking at current health applications and consider what is missing and what would be helpful to your patient population of interest. Then create a proposal for your own. Be creative with this Assignment.


Include the following:

• Explanation of proposed app
• Justification for need of this type of app
• Proposed uses for the app
• Accessibility of this app: How would your POI get access and be able to use this?
• Conclusion/summary slide
• References: Five scholarly resources are required

The POI is Congestive Heart Failure

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