How do directors Chris Weitz (A Better Life) and Barry Jenkins (Moonlight) use the various elements of cinematography to foster viewers’ identification with and empathy for their main character?Explain

1) How do directors Chris Weitz (A Better Life) and Barry Jenkins (Moonlight) use the various elements of cinematography to foster viewers’ identification with and empathy for their main character?

2) What is similar about their visual approaches; what is different? In your response, cite at least two specific examples from each film as they pertain to specific cinematographic elements in each film (camera angles, shot types/proxemics, shot length, lighting, camera movement, color, open/closed framing, and/or composition). For Moonlight, example 1, should be the scene where Juan is teaching Little how to swim.

Example 2 should be either Little’s mother yelling at him where she is at one end of the hallway and he is at the other end (standing in the living room area). For A Better Life, you can pick which scenes you want to use as the 2 examples.

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