How much do you about pearlite, bainite, and martensite? How are they made?Explain


1.How much do you know about the important phases such as austenite, ferrite, cementite?

2.How much do you about pearlite, bainite, and martensite? How are they made?

3.Do you know how to read T-T-T diagrams (also known as isothermal transformation diagrams)?

4.What is marquenching process? Austempering process?

5.What is a tempered martensite?

6.What are the major types of cast irons? What makes them different?

7.What are the differences in composition and microstructure between the steels and cast irons?

8.What is the hardenability of steel?

9.How much do you know about Jominy end-quench test? What is the purpose of this test?

10.What is Dqe? What does it represent?

11.Do you know how to use hardenability curves to determine hardness of steel?

12.Why is water more effective than oil in quench-hardening of steel?

13.What is the precipitation hardening of alloys? How is it done?

14.What is natural aging process as oppose to artificial aging? What is overaging?

15.What is Avrami equation? What does it describe? Do you know how to determine the Avrami equation? How is rate of transformation calculated? 16.What is the functionality of an atom?

17.What is van der Waals force?

18.What are the major types of polymers based on their common properties? Based on molecular structure?

19.Why are thermosetting polymers not recyclable?

20.What are the major methods of polymerization? Do you how each of them is accomplished?

21.What is cross linking of polymers? What are the conditions needed for cross linking process?

22.What is vulcanization of polymer material?

23.What is the oxidation mechanism of polymers?

24.Do you know how to calculate molecular weight of a monomer? That of a polymer or a copolymer?

25.How is weight-average molecular weight determined?

26.How is the weight-average degree of polymerization calculated?

27.What is degree of polymerization? How is it determined?

28.Pay attention to analysis/calculation of addition polymerization,condensation polymerization, and crosslinking processes.

29.What are the molecular configurations of polymer stereoisomerism?

30.What are the types of geometrical isomerism?

31.What is stress relaxation behavior? What is the relaxation time property of a material?Relaxation modulus?

32.What is composite material? What are purposes of making composite material?

33.What is the matrix phase vs. dispersed phase in a composite?

34.Can you identify at least four major types of composites? Which type of composite doesn’t have matrix constituent?

35.What are the major types of structural composite?

36.What are rules of mixtures? How are they used in property determination?

37.Do you know how to calculate upper bound and lower bound properties of particle-reinforced and fiber-reinforced composites?

38.How is the applied load transferred from the matrix material to the fibers in fiber composites?

39.What is isostrain loading condition? Isostress loading condition?

40.How is the strength offiber-reinforced composites affected by fiber orientation?

41.What is specific density(specific gravity)? Specific modulus? Specific strength?

42.Do you know how to calculate weight savings if composite is used to place a conventional material?

43.Do you know how to compute the fraction of tensile load carried by fibers in fiber composites?

44.Do you know how to calculate stress and strain in fibers or matrix in fiber-reinforced composites?45.Do you know how to compute isostrain tensile strength of fiber composites?

46.Can you describe three major fabrication methods of composites?47.What is electrochemical corrosion?

48.What are the necessary components in electrochemical cell?49.What is emf series?

50.What is the anodic reaction? Cathodic reaction?

51.What is the role of electrolyte in electrochemical corrosion?

52.Do you know the migrating direction of electrons and ions in electrochemical cell?

53.Do you know how to use the emf series to predict the relative corrosion potential between metals?

54.Do you how to calculate the electrode potential of a standard electrochemical cell? Non-standard electrochemical cell?

55.Can you describe two methods for prevention of electrochemical corrosion?

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