Select one physical end-of-life characteristic. Think through the following related to the characteristic you selected:Complete a concept map using the template.

Read the following scenario:

You are a home health nurse seeing for the first time P.C., a 64-year-old divorcee diagnosed with small cell lung cancer approximately 1 year ago. She was treated with radiation and chemotherapy; however, her oncologist recently informed her that her cancer is no longer treatable because it has spread to her bones and liver. Now the focus of her treatment will change from curative to symptom relief. She is confused and somewhat bewildered. She vaguely remembers the term palliative treatment from the discussion of her situation with her oncologist but does not know what it means.

Read Table 10-8 Nursing Assessment: Physical Care at End of Life from Medical-Surgical Nursing.

Select one physical end-of-life characteristic.

Think through the following related to the characteristic you selected:

Etiology and pathophysiology
Risk factors
Signs and symptoms
Diagnostic procedures
Medication and treatment
Nursing interventions, including patient education
Potential complications

Complete a concept map using the template.

Show interrelationships of all components.
Prioritize the nursing interventions related to complications.

Include at least three peer-reviewed sources to support your concept map, and an APA-formatted reference page.

Submit your assignment.


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