Write a 2000 word report investigating how the health of chosen group (social or cultural group) is affected by a health issue from a social and cultural perspective.

Drinking culture among young people in the UK (age 16-24)

Health as a Social and Cultural Issue

Assignment Brief

Your task is to write a 2000 word report investigating how the health of chosen group (social or cultural group) is affected by a health issue from a social and cultural perspective.

Examine the social and cultural issues surrounding a chosen group within one of the following health topics:

1/ Breastfeeding
2/ Sexual Health (a specific area e.g. Female Genital Mutilation or HIV/AIDS)
3/ Alcohol
4/ Smoking
5/ Obesity
6/ Cancer (choose a specific cancer e.g Breast or Prostate)
7/ COVID-19

Your assignment should:

Identify and justify the chosen group and the health issue
Explore the topic from a social and cultural perspective including relevant theory and a definition of culture
Include strategies or reports on local and national policy concerning your topic
Discuss what is happening locally regarding your chosen topic and identify local initiatives that relate to your topic area

Remember the focus is how health is influenced by society, culture and community.

There is a 2000 word limit, but you will need to demonstrate a good understanding of your chosen topic from a theoretical perspective as well as practically from what is happening in your local area.

Your work must be referenced according to Harvard style. If you are uncertain about this please see the learning centre website which can be accessed via the link below.

Your references should be from a range of reliable sources, and remember this is an academic course, so you should be reading academic material aimed at undergraduate level.

The internet is a good source of information especially for finding out about local organisations and activities. However, remember not all the information on the internet is from a credible source.

Hand In: 10/5/21– Please upload your work into CANVAS before 2pm. If you submit your work via another method this will be an automatic fail. The late policy applies for work handed in after the deadline unless you have extenuating circumstances or special arrangements agreed by the enabling centre.


Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcome 1 An understanding of how social and cultural factors impact on people’s health
Learning Outcome 2 An examination of diversity in the students own local community
Learning Outcome 3 An ability to present, evaluate and interpret how health issues are being addressed with particular groups in this area (and how further improvements can be made)

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