Discuss a book by Misha Glenny or Moises Naim which is relevant to this module.

1. Discuss a book by Misha Glenny or Moises Naim which is relevant to this module.

2. Adopting a global perspective, how significant is the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) when it comes to tackling people trafficking?

3. Examine the current position of the Rohinja Muslims or Uighur Muslims. Are they victims of genocide?

4. A number of authors, most notably Zygmunt Bauman, have tried to explain the participation of ordinary people in genocide in terms of modernity and the way bureaucracies work. How convincing do you find their ideas?

5. Using either drug trafficking or terrorism as your selected focus, offer a critical review of some of the ways in which international policing is attempting to deal with the issues it raises.

6. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were both expected to be over in a matter of months. Afghanistan remains at war and Iraq is deeply insecure. Why is this?

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