How does viewing this object from your perspective differ from the perspective of the original viewers? Do you think that the object has more meaning in its current context, or has something been lost over time? Consider the differences between our current world and the world in which the object was created.


You should respond to the following prompts and format your paper as follows including the lettered and titled sections as shown below. Failure to format your paper as instructed will also result in point deductions.

A. Identification: In this short section, you will identify the object you have chosen for this assignment. Identify the title, artist, date, and subject matter. You should also include the location where the work was created if this information is available.

B. Visual Analysis: Here, you will describe the art object of your choice. You should describe this object with enough detail that the reader can visualize the object even if they have never seen it. Do not simply tell me that it is a 24-inch by 36-inch oil painting with lots of color.

C. Historical Context: To discuss the historical context, you should analyze the context of the time period from which your object originated. What was happening in this area of the world when this object was created? Was this object a reflection of a peaceful time, or was it manufactured during a time of war? How would this situation have affected the creation of the object? Is it reflective of the world around it?

D. Current Context: How does viewing this object from your perspective differ from the perspective of the original viewers? Do you think that the object has more meaning in its current context, or has something been lost over time? Consider the differences between our current world and the world in which the object was created.

E. Personal Response: In this portion, you will not use outside sources. You will need to consider your initial feelings about the object and whether or not your initial impressions have been transformed as a result of your expanded understanding of the piece. If your feelings about the object have not changed, why is that?

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