Which branch of our federal government is the most powerful-Legislative,Executive,or Judicial?Evaluate the three branches, their powers, and then research both historic and current examples to decide which branch is most powerful.

Q3Common Writing Research Essay Assignment

As a culmination of our studies on the three branchesof government, you will write a research essay on the following prompt:

Which branch of our federal government is the most powerful-Legislative,Executive,or Judicial?

We have studied the powers of each branch of government and we will look at a variety of historic and current examples of each branch usingthose powers.  Your task is to evaluate the three branches, their powers, and then research both historic and current examples to decide which branch is most powerful.

Essay Requirements:

●Clearly pick one branch and argue that it is the most powerful and why the other two are weaker.

●Use a variety of historic and current examples to prove your arguement.

●Use research to develop and support your answer and properly cite those sources ofresearch throughout your essay. You are expected to use “Chicago style” citations(footnotes). See the citations guide for “Chicago style” citations for assistance.

●Include at least three different sources of research.You are expected to cite the information used in your argument and you should use these sources throughout your essay.


●Include at the end of your essay a “Works Cited Page”

●Remember to use size 12 font, an academic font (for example, Times New Roman orArial) in black, and double-spaced.

●Approximately 1000 – 1700 words in length (4 – 6 pagesdouble-spaced)

●In addition to using our FCPS grading scale (A – F),this essay will be used as an IBMYP assessment for the following IBMYP criteria:

A (Knowledge);

B (Concepts),

C(Skills-analytical) and

D (Organization and Presentation).


●Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition)

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