Prepare a report that:Determines the return before taxation on each of the three securities and the portfolio as a whole over the investment period (52 weeks).

FTSE100  Corporate Finance and Investments

Assignment 003

Individual Report on Performance of an Investment Portfolio


An investment portfolio was set up on Friday 28th February 2020. The sum invested was £1,000,000. The portfolio consisted of two shares in FTSE100 stocks and a Gilt. The portfolio was liquidated a year later on Friday 26thFebruary 2021.


You are required prepare a report that:

•Determines the return before taxation on each of the three securities and the portfolio as a whole over the investment period (52 weeks)

•Assesses the level of risk taken for each of the three securities and for the overall risk of the portfolio.

•Evaluates and comments on the performance of the investment portfolio relative to the FTSE100 with consideration of risk and return.

•Discusses how the portfolio may have been hedged and any difficulties obtaining a perfect hedge.The report must be supported by spreadsheets that show how the calculations underlying the report have been undertaken.

Weighting 50% Word limit A report of 3000 words in a Microsoft Word Document plus supporting calculations in a Microsoft Excel document.


Submission should be made online using Turnitin on Weblearn.Your report and your spreadsheet must have your student number as the first part of filename.

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