Submit a strategic management report focussing on The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); Each organisation is facing strategic issues.

Strategic Management Report of The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

Requirements: Strategic Management Report

You are required to submit a strategic management report focussing on The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); Each organisation is facing strategic issues. Strategic issues are those that impact upon the competitive advantage, success and/or long term survival of the organisation. Information on these organisations, and the strategic issues they each face can be found in the ‘Assessment’ area on Blackboard.

For your selected organisation, you are first to perform a strategic analysis to examine in-depth the nature of the strategic issues they face. You should then propose TWO strategic options for addressing the organisation’s strategic issues. You should critically evaluate the pros and cons of these different strategic options before choosing ONE option that you think is most appropriate for addressing the organisation’s strategic issues. Finally, you will explain how the organisation should implement the chosen strategic option, reflecting upon any potential barriers and challenges and how these might be overcome. Your report should draw upon relevant strategic management concepts, theories and frameworks, and be supported with evidence. You should use a combination of academic literature and (credible) practitioner sources to support your work.

You should NOT collect primary data for this assignment. The material provided in the ‘Assessment Guidance’ area on MOLE should be supplemented with your own research from secondary sources. Your report should be structured as follows:

Section A: Strategic analysis (1500 +/- words) In this section, you should identify your chosen organisation and analyse the strategic issues it currently faces. In your analysis, you should make appropriate use of strategic management concepts, theories and frameworks (e.g. you might utilise the PESTEL or Porter’s five forces frameworks, the VRIO framework, the Mitchell et al (1997) framework for stakeholder mapping and salience, you might draw upon Porter’s generic strategies, or with reference to corporate and global strategy frameworks etc.).

Section B: Strategic option (1000 +/- words) In this section, you will propose and evaluate TWO different strategic options (alternatives) for the organisation to address the strategic issues it faces. These options should be identified clearly. They should be discrete/non overlapping. You should evaluate the pros and cons of the different options before making a strategic choice about which option you think is most appropriate for addressing the strategic issues faced by the organisation.

The justification for your choice should be clear and fully supported by your critical evaluation.
Section C: Strategy implementation (1000 +/- words) In this section, you should discuss how your selected organisation should implement the chosen strategic option. Identify: key activities to be undertaken, timelines for work, resources needed, and how progress will be monitored and controlled. Reflect on any possible barriers and challenges to implementation. For example, there may be stakeholder issues, a culture that is not conducive to change, or limitations in existing resources and capabilities. As far as practicable, your recommendations for implementation should be tangible, realistic and specific.
You are NOT expected to use all strategic management theories, concepts and frameworks introduced in the module, only those relevant to your chosen organisation, its specific situation, and the strategic issues it faces. You can draw upon theory and concepts from other modules if relevant and correctly referenced. However, the lens through which you examine your organisation and its issues should be one of strategic management.

Referencing: You must reference your work correctly using the Harvard system.

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