What resources are available in your community to help people recover from a stroke?Write about an individual you know who has had a stroke and what their process of rehabilitation has been like.

You must write at least 1000 words for the body of the paper. It’s fine to go a little longer if you want – there’s no penalty for that. No separate title page is required. Include three references using APA style formatting. The reference list does not count as part of the 1000 words. The references may not include the course textbook or WIKIPEDIA. However, other Internet sources, books or articles are appropriate.


The examples that accompany each topic are only general suggestions. You do not need to write about these specific things; they are only listed to give you an idea of what might work for you. Be creative and learn something that you want to know, rather than trying to match what you think I want. If you write about more general topics (ethics, imaging, etc.) you don’t have to make it specific to the field of SLP.

Medical Ethics – e.g., case studies of challenging medical ethical issues; compare legal and ethical principles; what harm can be done from an ethical breach? why are ethics so important in medicine?

Aphasia – e.g., what resources are available in your community to help people recover from a stroke (e.g, aphasia groups and other support networks)? write about an individual you know who has had a stroke and what their process of rehabilitation has been like

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