Briefly discuss the surgical procedure and what it entails, what are the particular concerns with this procedure intraoperatively and what is the suggested post-operative considerations/concerns?

Summative guidance:

Students are required to submit both a power point presentation and supporting assignment (1500 – 2000-word) on a patient that the student has cared for post-operatively. Both aspects will consider the post-operative treatment and care of a patient in relation to either post-operative nausea and vomiting or pain.

The presentation should contain a between 9 min to 12 PowerPoint slides max, (For further guidance please refer to the suggested presentation guidance power point supplied)

Both the presentation and the supporting assignment should include the following categories where indicated:

·         Clinical background:  A brief description of the patient, and the circumstances in which they came under your care.  You should include relevant demographics, and a brief medical history.  To ensure confidentiality, neither the patient nor the healthcare setting should be identified by name.  A pseudonym for the patient is acceptable, but must be clearly identified as such.  Pseudonyms must be appropriate; marks will be deducted if inappropriate or disrespectful pseudonyms are used. (1- 2 presentation slides only)

Surgical Procedure: A discussion about the patient’s surgical procedure and the potential post-operative complications associated with this type of surgery, include references. Include specifics on your patient’s surgery to include surgical duration, estimated blood loss if any, any fluid irrigation used etc. (2 – 4 slides plus inclusion within the 1500 words)

Patient assessment: on arrival to the PACU, to include Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability and exposure, (1 slide only not required in the supporting assignment)
·         Aspect of care:  You must identify with one of the following aspects of care (Nausea and vomiting or pain). Discussion should be based on care given or potential care that would be required in this case, and should include discussion and a slide on the associated physiological parameters (e.g. pain, nausea and vomiting pathways) and discussion and a slide on the pharmacological effects associated with the choice of drugs and their resultant side effects and where appropriate must include reversal agents. (3 – 4 slides plus in depth discussion within the 1500 words) If required 1 slide on any other care intervention required for your particular patient, this does not need to be include in the supporting document.

Discharge: Include the discharge criteria that is required before a patient can be deemed safe for discharge, include their observations. Support with evidence. (1 slide, do not include in 1500 words)

Handover: Include a summary of your handover, e.g. SBAR(D). Support with evidence. (1 slide, do not include in 1500 words)
References:   You must use current research findings to provide a critical analysis of the effectiveness of care given, and to identify areas where care could be improved.

Remember to include a final reference list in both the presentation and written aspect (using the Harvard Referencing system).

Written element suggested format.
Introduction (150 – 200 words):

Introduce the surgical procedure and the particular aspect of care that you will be focusing on.
Main body to include (1200 – 1500 words):

First section: Briefly discuss the surgical procedure and what it entails, what are the particular concerns with this procedure intraoperatively and what is the suggested post-operative considerations/concerns? (this should be relatively short allowing more wordage for the following segment.

Second section: Discuss in depth the single aspect of care (N&V or pain) that you are focusing on, this is where you can expand on what post-operative observation tools were used why? Why is it import to manage these, what might be the impact if not managed appropriately?

What measures were taken, which drugs were used, what are the mechanisms of action of these drugs, what are the potential side effects or contraindications, and how would you manage potential complications associated?

All of the above must be supported by appropriate references.
Conclusion (150 – 200 words)
Reference list.

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