What does a culture of philanthropy mean to you?How do the organizations you work/volunteer for promote a culture of philanthropy?Discuss


Culture of philanthropy

Watch the following videos:

“3 Steps to Create a Culture of Philanthropy” by Amy Eisenstein.   Retrieved from https://www.amyeisenstein.com/futureproof-nonprofit-culture-philanthropy-3-things-must-do/

“Fundraising 101” with Ruben Meyer This provides insight into promoting the role of fundraiser to your board members and volunteers. It could be an excellent resource to train volunteers, board members and staff.

Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsvSWkEHNDk&feature=youtu.be

Online Lecture – Culture of Philanthropy

For a nonprofit organization to be truly successful and effective, it must develop a culture of philanthropy. Everyone in the organization – every department, volunteer, individual at every level – must understand the importance of philanthropy and fundraising and their role in the process. Because fundraising is everyone’s job, all staff and volunteers become ambassadors. This means:
Doing your own job well
Understanding how all jobs work together to create an integrated system
Treating all constituents with care and respect

Creating a Culture of Philanthropy
According to Joyaux (2011), every board member is responsible to do the following:
Understand and promote the culture of philanthropy
Serve as a philanthropic ambassador within the organization and the community
Give an annual contribution to the best of personal ability. Give an additional gift for special campaigns
Cultivate relationships on behalf of and in support of the organization
Help identify and cultivate prospective donors and fundraising volunteers
Participate in some fundraising task every year
Every staff member is responsible to do the following (Joyaux, 2011):
Understand and promote the culture of philanthropy
Serve as a philanthropic ambassador within the organization and community
Program staff (or those in direct contact with clients and community) are expected to help cultivate relationships on behalf of and in support of the organization by being sensitive to and aware of others, providing quality service, and paying attention to their interests
Work with development staff to support grant applications and other activities related to program
Organizations should give staff an opportunity to give a charitable contribution
Joyaux, S. (2011). Strategic fund development: Building profitable relationships. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

After watching the videos  touch on the following points:
1. What does a culture of philanthropy mean to you?
2. How do the organizations you work/volunteer for promote a culture of philanthropy?
3. Does your organization have a case for support/case statement? Would board members, volunteer, and staff know what it is?

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