Write about in a 1,500-word assignment consider the following:What are the immediate issues here and what legislation may be useful in addressing the situation? What action may be required to protect and manage any risks identified?Explain

There are two case studies which will illustrate your application of law to practice.

Write about in a 1,500-word assignment consider the following:What are the immediate issues here and what legislation may be useful in addressing the situation? What action may be required to protect and manage any risks identified?


In the scenario we have Dad (Mr Jones) who is 21 yrs. old, Mum (Miss Smith) who is 20 yrs. old and their 6-month-old baby boy (John).

Since John’s birth he has lived with his Mother and Father in a flat in central Northampton. Two weeks ago, there was an incident at the flat where Mr Jones physically attacked Miss Smith causing her facial injuries and a broken wrist.

John was present throughout the attack and Police were called by neighbours who heard shouting and screaming. Mr Jones was arrested by the Police and Miss Smith was taken to hospital for treatment.

At the hospital Miss Smith disclosed that Mr Jones had been violent towards her on a number of occasions since John’s birth and on two occasions the attacks had occurred whilst she was nursing/holding John.

Mr Jones has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and has been cautioned three times in the last 18 months by Police for minor scuffles outside town centre pubs. Mr Jones is currently out of work and has been recently told he has failed to attend sufficient meetings at the Job Centre and will have his Universal Credit suspended for 3 months.

Miss Smith has a history of anxiety and depression and suffered with post-natal depression for 3 months following John’s birth. Miss Smith has no income other than John’s child benefit and she is reliant on the local food bank for meals. A referral to children’s services has been made regarding John’s welfare

Neither Mr Jones nor Miss Smith are currently working, they are in rent arrears with their landlord and have significant debts. The flat is in a poor state of repair and there are concerns about infestation of rats.

Since the incident Miss Smith and John have moved back to live with her parents in Wellingborough, whilst Mr Jones has been bailed pending a criminal investigation regarding the assault.

It became clear yesterday that Miss Smith has secretly been meeting up with Mr Jones to discuss contact with John and has told her Mother she will be taking John to meet Mr Jones in the next few days.

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