Critically appraise the importance of political awareness for nurses and the role nurses play in influencing policy in relation to healthcare delivery.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 Critically appraise the importance of political awareness for nurses and the role nurses play in influencing policy in relation to healthcare delivery

Assessment 1

LO2 Critically evaluate leadership theories, skills and practices and the importance of effective leadership in healthcare

Assessment 1

LO3 Critically analyse the concept of team working and identify a range of performance strategies required for team effectiveness, ensuring risk aversion and effective risk management

Assessment 1

LO4 Critically appraise the process of transitioning from student nurse to registered healthcare professional and reflect on own development needs

Assessment 1

Assessment Brief

The assignment is a 5,000-word essay. The essay should critically analyse the contribution of leadership relating to a change identified in your clinical practice. This can either involve review of your own leadership skills or your observations of leadership of an individual that you have encountered. A key requirement is to incorporate relevant theory and decision tools to critically analyse and explain practice.

Guidance Notes:

The approach that you take will vary according to your individual style and the change in practice that you choose to critically analyse. However it is expected that your essay will include: –

An introduction that justifies your choice of change in practice.

Critical reflection and evaluation of your own strengths and weakness as a leader, identifying actions which will help realise your individual leadership potential, and a tailored action plan according to the change in practice.

Critical analysis of the leadership theories that facilitate the change employed.

Clear evaluation of the alternative methods/ strategies / styles.

Influence of political and ethical issues on the leadership of the change (context – not sure this word is needed?).

Critical reflection on how the leadership style utilised influenced the outcome of the change in practice.

Appraisal and reflection on your role in this change process, working in a team, how your leadership behaviour may influence team effectiveness and risk management.

An evidence-based account incorporating a range of literature to support your discussion of the leadership of the change.
Finally, apply this learning to demonstrate how this informs your own development as you prepare to make your transition from student nurse to registered nurse.

Introduce your essay with focus and aim and provide background of leadership in clinical. Then introduce your change to reader.

Change practice need not imply undertaking fully registrant responsibility. It is about identifying a challenging area of care processes which you’ve encountered, or the introduction of a new method of service delivery you participated in on a clinical placement e.g. patient plan, environment, equipment, protocol, and procedure care. Then as a leader or observation of a leader, how this was addressed via learned leadership and management approaches.
Remember that depth of investigation and critical analysis is crucial to writing at level 6. Please feel free to seek advice from or discuss ideas with the module tutors. The change should be introduced at your introduction and ensure you avoid lengthy writing about clinical. The focus of your assignment is leadership.

Main body

Your essay structure should meet the four learning outcomes. You make sure your sections and points related to leadership critically analysed.

LO1 – Critically appraise the importance of political awareness for nurses and the role nurses play in influencing policy in relation to healthcare delivery
Influence of political and ethical issues in leadership
NHS polices, strategy and influential power balance
Nursing role to initiate/ implement and influence policy
Evidence based approach to practice
Critically analyse policies in relation to the proposed change or generally in relation to leadership
Make sure to apply concepts and theories in relation to change example

LO2 – Critically evaluate leadership theories, skills and practice and the importance of effective leadership in healthcare

Reflect and evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader (Myers-Briggs personality assessment tool)
What kind of personality are you? (Myers-Briggs)
Explore leadership theories- critically and in relation to the proposed change- You can critique three theories
Explore leadership styles, their strengths and weaknesses and how they enhance/ hinder outcome
Make sure to apply concepts and theories in relation to change example

LO3 – Critically analyse the concept of teamworking and identify a range of performance strategies required for team effectiveness, ensuring risk aversion and effective risk management

Appraise and reflect on your own role in this change process; the working of the team- You can use Belbin approach and apply it in relation to change example

How does your leadership behaviour influence team effectiveness and risk management?

Consider how to support team involvement during the change process

The NHS Leadership model- critical analysis

Critically explore how will the leader risk manage during the change process

Make sure to apply concepts and theories in relation to change example

LO4 – Critically appraise the process of transitioning from student to registered nurse and reflect on your own development needs

What transition change to ensure you are an effective leader? You can discuss transition and themes required for effective leadership ( why, how, challenges…)

How you are going to achieve this e.g. PDP/SWOT- Formulate a PDP and SWOT in relation to leadership and explore this critically to meet learning outcome. You can refer appendix to SWOT and PDP ( this must be tailored to leadership)

What are the strategies to overcome reality shock?

Mentoring and supervision – Transition program Apply critical analysis to this process
Make sure to apply concepts and theories in relation to change example and what lessons learnt to be effective leader

(Within your appendix include a structured SMART PDP these need to be in relation to leadership and management)


Summary of your essay and important lesson and point learnt and what could be taken n consideration at future leadership in relation to change example



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