How will the E Commerce Market expand in three or five years with the given restrictions due to a global health concern and how will it shape the strategies of the businesses in the retail sector?Explain


Write about implementing high tech software and tools into the fashion industry as there is a lot of room of improvement and evolvement in this era.

Especially due to the current pandamic situation there is a rise in E-Commerce and online shopping but it lacks the ability to be able to try on those outfits to see the exact fit. Also with regards to outfits in your wardrobe at home, rather than trying on what you want to wear, why not design a platform using high tech software where you can drag those outfit into a mannequin model of you.

You can write about the history of shopping how it has improved in terms of time efficiency (savings on time in sorting/searching for right size/color/shape of desired items, delivery of the items on time), security, and customer satisfaction (getting or receiving the desired item). Discuss the convenience brought by modern ideas/ technology and how it changed our shopping experiences. You can also talk about the future of shopping, the next level of online shopping experience.

You can discuss the main issue with online shopping which is the lack of direct product information and for valuable items, one is obliged to go to the shop directly to check on this/these item/s. Which is why image interactivity technology (IIT) and its form, virtual try-on (VOT), had been placed in apparel selling websites in giving the clients information about the product and features that would help them in their evaluation.

Also discuss how simulations had improved in the past decades (since 1980’s) in delivering product information that is similar to the information obtained from direct product examination: 1) From using 2-D to 3-D 2) Virtual try-ons and realistic clothing stimulations.

You can also discuss, How virtual try on brought thrill and excitement in online shopping such as Zeiss Visufit 1000

Research questions are as follow so stay within the context:

• How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect the retail business in the fashion industry?

• How will the E Commerce Market expand in three or five years with the given restrictions due to a global health concern and how will it shape the strategies of the businesses in the retail sector?

• How will Augmented Reality (AR) ensure the safety of consumers while providing reliable data in fashion?

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