Prepare a Critical review of the Phenological development of the grapevine.

A Critical review of the Phenological development of the grapevine.

Address the following points in your essay:

Explain the key phenological stages of the grapevine

Discuss how key phenological stages may be assessed in the field

Discuss the challenge of determining the Eichhorn -Lorenz stage 38 ‘berries, harvest
ripe’ as a phenological stage

Evaluate why it is important to understand phenological development (crop
management, climate change, seasonal weather impacts)

Explain the role of temperatures in development and of thermal time in determining
the appearance of phenological stages

Explain differences among different climate regions and cultivars

Discuss other environmental and management factors that have been shown to
influence the timing of key phenological stages.
Discuss the importance of understanding phenology in the context of climate change
A reference list has been provided for you on LEARN in addition to the chapters in Keller.

This is a start point for your essay. You are expected to search further references to
complete your essay.

You should base your review on at least 15 references (this includes
those already provided for you on LEARN).

You can use tables and figures from these
references to demonstrate points that you discuss in your review (make sure that they are
properly attributed).

Length: 2500 words
Font: Calibri, 12 pt
Line spacing: 1.5

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