According to Plato, are the ideas of Beauty and Courage objectively real, or are they notions that we invent in our minds whenever we want to? Do you think these ideas are objectively real? Provide an argument to back up your answer.



Answer the question you chose in a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Use your course texts and the course slides to help you respond to the topic, and when you quote and summarize from the course texts, include information about the page reference. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any sources besides the textbook.

1- According to Plato, are the ideas of Beauty and Courage objectively real, or are they notions that we invent in our minds whenever we want to? Do you think these ideas are objectively real? Provide an argument to back up your answer. (Ch. 6, 6.1-6.2)

2- Suppose someone claims that he can easily refute Berkeley’s idealism by simply kicking a rock or eating an apple. Does this demonstration show that Berkeley’s view is false? Explain. (Ch. 6, 6.3-6.5)

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