What issues of international law arise fromthis scenario? Discuss

Explain your answers by referring to relevant law, international law _ principles,treaties cases and any other legal materials.

Wakanda is a small coastal nation with a largeand strategic port that provides a safe haven forsea-weary ships and sailors. The nation’s capitalis nestled in the mountainous ranges of Marvel.A civil war has erupted in Wakanda. A rebel group known to the locals as ‘The Thanos’ isfighting against the government. This hasresulted in a bloody battle for the port and theland of Wakanda.

Across the ocean lies another country calledHulkious and it has quietly expressed concern for what is taking place in Wakanda. Hulkious has significant natural gas interests in Wakanda. Insecret, the rebel army commanders of ‘TheThanos’ and army personnel from Hulkious meet. They form an agreement. Hulkious will financially support ‘The Thanos’ and_ supply weapons, but Hulkious have not entered Wakanda, nor will they lead any militaryoperations.‘The Thanos’ are planning a coup d’etat to over-throw the Wakanda government. On the eve ofthe planned attack, 50 Hulkious special forcessoldiers enter Wakanda to provide on the groundsupport to ‘The Thanos’.

At the same time, aHulkious naval ship is moored at the main port inWakanda after friendly war game manoeuvreswith the Wakanda navy.While heading to a secret meeting with ‘The Thanos, the Hulkious soldiers are involved in ashoot-out with Wakanda military and kill 10Wakanda soldiers. Despite the bloodshed, theWakanda soldiers arrest and detain 15 Hulkious soldiers involved in the incident.

In retaliation to the detention of the 15 soldiers,the Hulkious launch an attack from the naval shipmoored at the port and detonate bombs thatdestroy two government buildings. The navalship then retreats to the haven of the high seas.The government of Hulkious has asked for their soldiers to be released, declaring they had no knowledge of the military coup or sanctioned the support of “The Thanos’. There is intelligence that suggests that the Hulkious soldiers are being tortured for information. Both states are members of the UN and are parties to treaties relating to torture, international crimes and human rights. Wakanda, disputes being a party to any treaties relating to torture.The Wakanda government refuse to release the Hulkious soldiers.

What issues of international law arise fromthis scenario? Discuss (20 Marks)

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