Based upon the topic of “Left Ventricular Assistive Device (LVAD) in The Elderly” proposal, choose a nursing research article about the LVAD system.If the design was modeled from previous research or pilot studies, describe.

Left Ventricle Assistive Device in the Elderly Population Literature Review


This week’s readings and discussion forum questions will help prepare you to create a literature review for the “Elderly receiving Left Ventricle Assistive Device (LVAD)” Evidence-Based proposal and to understand how research design, instruments, data collection, and data analysis are essential to research.

Tappan provided many examples of ways to collect data for evidence-based and formal research. The nurse researcher will be required to safeguard all data collected as well as control some of the conditions to ensure reliability. Data analysis is sometimes done statistically, however…” although challenging, clinicians need a general understanding of how to interpret some common statistical tests and the types of data that are appropriate for their use”.

Many nurse researchers may employ statistical services to help them to collate data. Nurses need to comprehend data when examining evidence-based research reports to determine the validity and reliability of the study’s reported methodology and findings.

Discussion Forum Guidelines:

1. Based upon the topic of “Left Ventricular Assistive Device (LVAD) in The Elderly” proposal, choose a nursing research article about the LVAD system (current within 5 years) identify the name of the article and answer each one of the following questions:

-Is this a quantitative or qualitative research article?

-What are the problem and purpose of the research article?

-What was the design of the study?

-If the design was modeled from previous research or pilot studies, please describe.

-What instruments and/or other measurement strategies were used in data collection?

-Was information provided regarding the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments? If so describe.

-What procedures were used for data collection?

-What methods of data analysis were used?

-Were they appropriate to the design and hypotheses?

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