Determine whether the hospital is capable of consistently achieving bed turnaround times of 120 minutes +/- 15 minutes without improving the process.

The Assignment Task

Bed turnaround at Lynfield mount is of critical importance as bed availability might be the difference between life and death for patients. The time from when a patient is discharged to the time when a new patient is assigned to the bed is referred to as the bed assignment turnaround time. If the bed turnaround time is excessive, it can cause problems with patient flow and delayed medical procedures throughout the hospital. This can cause long waiting times for physicians and patients thus creating customer dissatisfaction. The admissions RN has asked a patient care associate to gather data on patient turnaround times and the reasons why there is excessive variability in turnaround times. The following were reasons given for delays in the turnaround times:

Shortage of clean bedding- 9 incidents

Cleaning staff unavailability- 3 incidents

Registered Nurse unavailability- 36 incidents

Patient associates (family)- 2 incidents

Lack of wheelchairs for leaving patient- 8 incidents

Lack of communication- 15 incidents

Day of the week- 10 incidents

Time of the day- 7 incidents

Patient not ready to leave hospital- 13 incidents

Patient unwillingness to be discharged- 4 incidents

Lost patient property- 7 incidents

Below is a table showing 25 sample times gathered by the patient care associate.

Day                           Time 1                Time 2                Time 3
1                                127                    135                    167
2                               140                     155                    122
3                               112                     128                     97
4                               223                     135                    154
5                              181                      155                    160
6                              103                      158                    145
7                              146                      135                    167
8                              104                      122                    115
9                              136                      158                    137
10                            145                      163                     106
11                             84                       146                     125
12                           169                       152                     208
13                           216                       124                     163
14                          190                        178                     103
15                          148                        205                     144
16                          157                        151                     126
17                         142                         102                       95
18                         166                         178                      159
19                         177                         211                      204
20                          98                            91                     158
21                         133                         160                      152
22                         212                         131                      138
23                         180                         165                      134
24                           88                         126                     108
25                           95                         156                     138

Assessment Breakdown

Determine whether the hospital is capable of consistently achieving bed turnaround times of 120 minutes +/- 15 minutes without improving the process.

Develop an X-chart to be used in conjunction with an R-chart using Z =3 limits to monitor the bed turnaround times and indicate if the process is in control using these charts. (40%)

Using other quality tools, determine what needs to be improved in order to eliminate some of the causes of long turnaround times. (60%)

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes that are being assessed in this assignment are:

Develop a critical understanding of the characteristics of operations systems and the various approaches that may be adopted in their design.

Select and implement appropriate strategies and methods for the quality control and improvement of operations.

Apply suitable tools and techniques for control of operations

Synthesise and solve complex problems using appropriate techniques.

Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assignment. Please see the grading rubric at the end of this assignment brief for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.

Word Limit

The maximum word limit for this assignment is 2,400 words

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