Principles of operant conditioning reinforcement and operant punishment.Discuss

Principles of operant conditioning reinforcement and operant punishment

1. Select a Learning Psychology topic of interest.

– Find at least 6 academic journal articles on the topic.

– Articles must be different from materials used in the course (i.e., textbook, lecture add-on materials).

– For suitable articles, visit the SMU library website for academic search engines that contain academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.

2. Combine information from your articles to answer these questions:

Purpose: Why is the topic that you chose important to study?

Research methods: How is the topic studied?

Results: What are the results of the research studies?

Discussion/conclusion: What are the future directions of the research?

Limitations: What are the limitations of the findings and how can future research overcome them?

– Please use headings and subheadings to organize your paper.

– Use 12 point font, 1 inch borders, double spacing, and standard line and character spacing.

– Do not have extra/unnecessary space between paragraphs/sections.

– Do not use quotes.

– You must reference information in the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper in APA format.

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