Recommend at least two strategies you can use to enhance diversity awareness, prevent multicultural conflict, and promote cultural competence in this workplace setting.

Case Study

Consider the following case study: You have been working at the county health department for about 8 months. You work with a core team of health professionals with a rotating schedule of specialists and additional providers. One of your colleagues, Aika, grew up in Japan and has only been living and working in the United States for 7 years. Japan is predominantly a patriarchal culture where men are obeyed and deferred to, and women are expected to anticipate needs proactively. Although Aika has embraced her life in the United States, she has maintained many of her traditional Japanese beliefs and customs. She often uses her different perspective to bridge cultural gaps with patients giving her a wonderful reputation with her departmental colleagues. However, on Thursdays, Dr. Boelter, an OB/GYN, works in the clinic and is often curt, sharp, and disrespectful with the staff who do not follow his specific protocols. Aika consistently avoids this doctor, refuses to give her opinion in his presence, and has cried on several occasions because of his abrupt commands.

-Recommend at least two strategies you can use to address the situation with Aika to try to make her feel more comfortable.

-Recommend at least two strategies you could use to develop Dr. Boelter’s respect for Aika’s culture.

-Recommend at least two strategies you can use to enhance diversity awareness, prevent multicultural conflict, and promote cultural competence in this workplace setting.

-Explain any other considerations that should be taken into account when addressing Aika’s situation.

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