Using the news article link above. Briefly summarize the story and explain the moral or ethical issue/dilemma and how it relates to an ethical theory, principle, and concept or code in the course text.

1. Using the news article link above. Briefly summarize the story and explain the moral or ethical issue/dilemma and how it relates to an ethical theory, principle, and concept or code in the course text. Your response must be at least 200 words and show a clear connection between the news story/event and the course material/ethical theory.

2. The textbook readings provide an opportunity to make connections between theoretical concepts of ethics and real-world events in the news. When individuals encounter current moral dilemmas, inevitably each will approach the issues with their own perceptions and biases. Understanding how individual views fit in with various world views provides an opportunity for each of us to understand ourselves better. In these activities, you will use critical thinking skills to expand your knowledge regarding current moral and ethical issues in the world.

3.Cite a theory or philosophy from Ethics Theory and Contempory Issues 9th Edition by Barbara Mackinnon and Andrew Fiala

Each activity is a current news research activity focusing on understanding values, morals, and ethics

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