In 750-1000 words, write a critical reflection paper that makes a substantive connection between a current event and a key concept or theme from the Immortal Diamond book.


Assignment Explanation

In 750-1000 words, write a critical reflection paper that makes a substantive connection between a current event and a key concept or theme from the Immortal Diamond book.

The purpose of reflecting on Richard Rohr’s book in light of something currently happening in the world is to explore the premise that spirituality is neither an abstract idea nor a purely individual endeavor that can be monopolized by one religion or another, but rather a way of learning to think about and indwell ourselves and our communities in a more holistic, interconnected manner. Get creative.

Include a word count at the end of your essay.

RTW Requirements

As with the previous Reflection Papers, your essay needs to have three distinct parts: introduction paragraph—body paragraphs—conclusion paragraph.

Like the previous assignment, this essay should have between 3-5 body paragraphs, and you do not have to use the RTW method to structure them. Once again, though, while you aren’t required to follow RTW to the letter, you must follow the spirit of RTW: i.e., your body paragraphs must still contain a strong topic sentence, a clear and compelling rationale for the point you’re making, appropriate evidence, and a conclusion sentence that segues into the next paragraph. The same goes for your intro and conclusion paragraphs.

Post source and cite for any evidence you use for the current event or anything you use out of the book.

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