Using the SOSTAC planning framework (Smith and Taylor) [see support link 1], write an integrated marketing communications campaign based on launching a new product or service (this does not need to be a real product or service) for a real company of your choice based in a country of your choice.

Marketing Communications
Assessment criteria

The assignment will contribute 100% of the assessment. It will be in the form of a business report; it should comprise no more than 4,000 words. The appendices for your assignment must not exceed 15 pages.

Assignment aim

The aim of the assignment is to show your understanding of a number of marketing communications concepts covered in the module and your ability to apply those concepts in a meaningful way. You will be asked to develop a marketing communications campaign based on launching a new product or service for a real company of your choice operating in a country of your choice (you are not permitted to select bells whisky, hushpuppies, sunny delight, coke cola, p+g).

Assignment task

Using the SOSTAC planning framework (Smith and Taylor) [see support link 1], write an integrated marketing communications campaign based on launching a new product or service (this does not need to be a real product or service) for a real company of your choice based in a country of your choice.

Assignment guidance

NOTE: You must use the provided template guidance as it provides the intended structure as well as supportive points to aid in writing the assessment to the correct standards.

When engaging with the task all elements of the SOSTAC framework should be considered with the ability to implement the campaign being crucial to gain a good mark (and not just covering the headings).
Situation Analysis
Market trends, current marketing communications strategy and performance, PEST factors, etc. Must be driven from the consumer behaviour (high/ low involvement).
Marketing Objectives
SMART objectives, AIDA model ATR etc.
Appropriate for the IMC challenge. STP? IMC evidence. Expect Fill’s 3Ps (push/pull/profile).
Tactics –Communication Plan
Objectives, promotional tool selection, media selection, timings, creative positioning and message.  Creative strategy (IMC) – brief, feasibility and originality of creative concepts.
Implementation, project management, Critical Path, Gantt Chart etc . Full costing required of solutions.
Identification of resources and budget/project control including marketing research and its objectives.
Project Management
Structure, written expression, accuracy of Referencing, reading, application of theory and relevant frameworks, recommendations well justified, presentation and assignment length.

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