By referring to examples, demonstrate how analytical tools can be used to monitor the progress and effect of change within an organisation. Assess monitoring and measurement techniques in resolving change challenges. Analyse key strategies involved in minimising the adverse effects of change on the organisation and recommend one strategy that has enabled you to resolve a challenging change issue within your organisation.


Learners may use their own employment context, or that of another organisation with which they are very familiar, to base their assignment. However, in the case that they are not able to do so, use the below scenario: -You are a manager within an organisation that is currently undergoing a period of change. Your role is to guide the organisation through the change programme ensuring employee commitment as well as meeting organisational objectives. »


Identify at least three models or frameworks that can be used to address organisational change. Critically evaluate how these change models can be used to help meet organisational objectives and resolve change challenges. By referring to an example ofa situation where your organisation has undergone change, identify the criteria that you would use to select the most appropriate change implementation model for this particular scenario.

Identify and justify the change solutions for this scenario thathelp achieve organisational objectives. Apply a range of creative problem solving techniques can be used to address change challenges.

Guideline word count: 1,300 -1,500 words

A.C. 1.1 -Identify a range of organisational change, models or frameworks

A.C. 2.1 -Evaluate a range of change implementation models

A.C. 2.2 -Identify the criteria to select a change implementation model that supports organisational change

A.C.1.2 -Apply a range of creative problem solving techniques to address change challenges

A.C. 1.3 -Identify and justify change solutions that link to organisational strategic plans

Assignment Brief: Unit 7010V1: Implementing organisational change strategiesVersion 3: June 2017»


By referring to examples, demonstrate how analytical tools can be used to monitor the progress and effect of change within an organisation. Assess monitoring and measurement techniques in resolving change challenges. Analyse key strategies involved in minimising the adverse effects of change on the organisation and recommend one strategy that has enabled you to resolve a challenging change issue within your organisation.

Guideline word count: 850 -1,000 words

A.C. 3.1 -Demonstrate the use of analytical tools to monitor the progress and the effect of change

A.C. 3.2 -Assess monitoring and measurement techniques to change within an organisation

A.C. 3.3 -Analyse strategies to minimise adverse effects of change»


By referring to a situation where change has occurred within your organisation, identify the processes used to effectively review the impact of the change.

Demonstrate how results of the impact review are analysed and present the findings of the change strategies within this scenario in meeting organisational objectives.Guideline word count: 850 –1,000 words

A.C. 4.1 -Identify the processes to review the impact of the change

A.C. 4.2 -Analyse the results of the impact review

A.C. 4.3 -Present the findings of the impact review

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