Imagine you are the new city manager of a midsize municipality. The city has had big problems with budget overruns, dilapidated infrastructure and employee unrest. The city has been using a standard line-item budget for many years. You want to provide the city with a way to resolve those problems. What changes do you recommend for the next budget year? Document the sources for your recommendations.

Public Administration


Imagine you are the new city manager of a midsize municipality. The city has had big problems with budget overruns, dilapidated infrastructure and employee unrest. The city has been using a standard line-item budget for many years. You want to provide the city with a way to resolve those problems. What changes do you recommend for the next budget year? Document the sources for your recommendations.

Examination Rubric 20points. Exam is complete and accurate All portions or the exam questions are answered completely. Class resources and outside resources are provided and properly cited. Several references to sources of research are cited in addition to class resources. Written Communication –Language Use Writing is excellent. Word usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation are excellent. Critical thinking/problem solving Concepts, assumptions, inferences, and conclusions are clearly and thoroughly expressed. Analysis is logical and thorough.

Writing demonstrates sufficient organization with a clear thesis and supporting details; Paper is 6-10 pages, not counting the title, reference, or supplemental pages. APA style.

Course Materials:

Public Administration & Public Affairs. 11th edition, Henry, Nicholas

Classics of Public Administration. 6th edition, Shafritz, Jay M.

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