Explain the difference between the enumerated powers to the federal government in the Constitution and reserved powers. What are concurrent powers? Give some examples of each.

Explain the difference between the enumerated powers to the federal government in the Constitution and reserved powers. What are concurrent powers? Give some examples of each.


Reference Textbook

The Enduring Democracy

Kenneth J. Dautrich, David A. Yalof, Christina E. Bejarano, 2020


ISBN.13: 978-1-544-36447-6


• Students must use APA style citations in their writing assignments. For detailed information on how to properly cite your work, you may refer to the Student Handbook or to the Student Resources

tab on the main page of the Student Portal.


• Plagiarism is intentionally presenting the work of another as your own. This is a serious academic infraction. Do not simply copy and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Writing assignment

responses must be paraphrased in your own words to explain and reflect the concepts and theories presented in the textbook. Please keep any direct quotes from the text to a minimum and identify them with the proper citation.


1. On each page: Student Name, ID Number, Course Number, Course Title, and Unit Number.

2. Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability

3. Restatement of the question and question number

Grading Criteria:

1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion.

2. Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc.

3. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text

4. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts.

5. Student provided a clear and well-developed response to the question.

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