Write a 300-word reflection including how you rank the characters’ responsibility and any additional thoughtsyou have about Edgar’s experience with the paper.

To complete this assignment, read the attached document. Then, follow the instructions in the document to create a ranking of responsibility.

Write a 300-word reflection including how you rank the characters’ responsibility and any additional thoughts you have about Edgar’s experience with the paper.

The Purchased Paper

One dark and stormy Thursday in December, first-semester student EDGAR ALLEN told his roommate, BILLY, “You might as well start looking for a new roommate. My college days are coming to an end.”Edgar’s bad luck had started late that afternoon with a voicemail from MR. LONG, manager of the office supply store where Edgar worked part time. “I just foundout,” the message said, “that the regional manager wants aninventory of the entire store completed by Monday morning.

To get this done, I need everyone at the store from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. No excuses. Be there!”What a disaster!Edgar thought. He had planned to spend the whole weekend working on the final paper for his composition class. It was due Monday morning, and he couldn’t imagine writing a passing paper while working 12-hour shifts all weekend. Worse, without at least a C in English, he’d lose his financial aid, and then he’d have to drop out of college.

The money he made working part-time barely covered his food, rent, care payments and insurance, and there was no way he could pay tuition on top of that. MRS. ALLEN, Edgar’s single mom, was planning to buy a new car—herfirst ever—and she made it perfectly clear she wasn’t going to help with his tuition: “I’ve taken care of you and your older brother for 24 years, and now it’s mytime to enjoy life!” Panicked, Edgar called PROFESSOR PINE to tell her he wouldn’t be ableto turn in his composition on time. He explained his situation to her and begged for an extension. “I’m sorry, Edgar,” Professor Pine replied. “I warned everyone weeks ago that I have to turn in final grades on Tuesday. If you don’t get your paper on Monday morning, you’ll get a zero. I guess you’ve got an important choice to make!”“That’s no choice,” Edgar told Billy.

“If I fail the class, I’ll lose my financial aid, and if I don’t show up for work, I’ll get fired. Either way, I’m through in college.” “C’mon, man!” Billy countered, “No one writes their own papers anymore. There are thousands of papers for sale on the internet. I’ll even find you one.”Butall weekend at work, Edgar kept telling himself that he was not going to turn in a purchased paper.He’d write the paper himself, even if he had to stay awake the whole weekend. But after work on Friday and Saturday nights, he was too tired to concentrate so he went to bed vowing to write the paper Sunday night no matter what. When Edgar returned from work exhausted on Sunday night, Bill met him at the door.

“Great news! I found you an English paper on the internet and it’s a guaranteed “A.” I printed it out with your name on it, and I had a campus security guard put it in Professor Pine’s mailbox. Your semester is officially over, my friend, and now you’re coming with me to Clancy’s to celebrate. The first round is on me.” He grabbed Edgar by the arm and dragged him outthe door. “All right, all right,” Edgar said. “I’m too tired to argue.”

It took Professor Pine about five minutes of searching the internet to find the essay that Edgar had submitted. She liked Edgar and knew he was under a lot of pressure. Actually,Edgar had some good writing skills, and if she didn’t count this plagiarized paper, he’d easily get a C in English, keep his financial aid, and stay in college. Everyone needs a breakonce in a while, she thought. But when she told her colleague PROFESSOR CORDOVA that she was going to overlook Edgar’splagiarized paper, he exploded. “Oh, no you’re not! You have to fail this guy and make an example of him! Otherwise, you’ll get a reputation as a sucker and a pushover. Worse, once that happens you’ll lose the respect of your colleagues. Don’t even think about passing him!”

Embarrassed by professor Cordova’s reprimand, Professor Pine wrote a zero on Edgar’s paper and entered an F for his final  grade.


There are six characters in the story and I’ve listed them below. Rank them in order of their responsibility for Edgar’s failing grade in English. Give each character a different score and explain your choices.

Most Responsible * 1 2 3 4 5 6 * Least Responsible Edgar Allen, English Student Mr. Long, Edgar’s bossBilly, Edgar’s Room mate Mrs.

Allen, Edgar’s mother Prof. Pine, Edgar’s teacher Prof. Cordova, Prof. Pine’s colleague Last thought: Is there anyone else not mentioned that might share some responsibility? Who? Why?

Write a 300-word reflection including how you rank the characters’ responsibility and any additional thoughts you have about Edgar’s experience with the paper.

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