Is social class the sole cause of inequalities in health? Discuss with reference to at least two sociological theories of health.

Is social class the sole cause of inequalities in health?

Assignment Brief:

Write an essay of between 1800 and 2000 words and to respond to the question:

Is social class the sole cause of inequalities in health? Discuss with reference to at least two sociological theories of health (Functionalism and/or Marxism and/or Labelling/interactionist theory)

In your assignment, you should:

Consider at least two sociological theories of health and critically evaluate these in the context of health inequalities

Compare and contrast sociological approaches to the biomedical model with regard to explanations of health and illness

Analyse and critically discuss statistics relating to inequalities in health

Analyse the relationship between health and social class and at least one other social factor (e.g., gender, ethnicity, poverty, education, power, etc.)

Use Harvard Referencing as per the College guide (this includes any data referred to in your response)

Write in formal style using paragraphs and third person throughout

Word limit 1800 – 2000 words

Ensure that you give a clear answer to the assignment question and support this with evidence-based reasons

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